With a focus on supporting fathers, father figures and families – E.P.I.C stands for Encourager, Provider, Instructor, and Carer.

The recent grant they have received will enable the West Suffolk based organisation to continue to support fathers, father figures, and families via phone calls, text messages, emails, Facebook, and Zoom video calls. They will be offering encouragement, emotional support and giving advice to them as they navigate home schooling and working from home. They have become aware of the need for some young families to have enough baby supplies to help them during this period of self-isolation and social distancing. ‘Baby Packs containing essential items for babies and infants such as nappies, wet wipes, baby milk formula, baby food, baby lotion, bath wash, nappy cream, etc will be provided One Baby Packs contents costs £50 each so the request of £5,000 will enable them to help approximately 100 families. 

Thank you so much to Suffolk Community Foundation for kindly funding our new EPIC Dad Baby Pack Project.   We are so grateful to you all for standing with us and helping us to work slightly differently to respond to this crisis and bring hope to families. 


Richard Keeble

Founder, EPIC DAD

How you can help

If you would like to find out more about how you can support our work with Suffolk's VCFSE sector - please see the different ways in which you can give below.